We have prepared the answer to frequently asked questions.
Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus has departments for novels, stationery, non-fiction, specialist literature, Audio books, children's books, travel, the English Bookshop, pop, jazz & world music, classical & opera, sheet music and film.
To apply for an existing vacancy, use our application form or send your application in writing to the address given.
If you do not have application documentation, you can enter your personal data, work experience and skills in the application form.We look forward to receiving your application.
The time it takes to process an application varies from vacancy to vacancy. We try to give you an answer as soon as possible and it generally takes around three weeks. In the case of a speculative application, we ask for your understanding that you will receive a further response only if we can offer you a post which corresponds with your Profile.
We constantly improve the skills and qualifications of our workforce at the company's own training center, the Dussmann Campus and at the Kursana Akademie.